Stepped into the opening for Arrivals/Departures : Women's Experience of Migration Under Globalization curated by the amazing Leilani Montes and Ninotchka Rosca.  The work was powerful, the energy vibrating high, and the music bumpin.

I'm Norwegian-American, and I am always fascinated by the experiences and expressions of other women with complicated cultural identities.  It was really inspiring to check out all these different works, illuminating diverse and rich experiences, in one room.  The show is up for a while - definitely click the link above and go check it out.  And  afterward, you should have a round at the bar at the Karaoke joint on the floor below Project Reach.

For more information on AF3IRM, the Association for Filipinas & Feminists Fighting Imperialism, Re-Feudalization and Marinalization, check out their site here:  AF3IRM.

Photo Prints by Besos not Bombs

Fucking Gorgeous painting by Erin Yoshi of Trust Your Struggle.

Beautiful Community.

Me and my grrl Nadia Williams.

This was one of those days where everything you come across is profound.  This is a well-known piece by Lee Quinones, whose work always makes a part of me quiver.

I don't know who this is - but I love the quote, since it resonates with me right now:  "Her Glory always Reinstated".

In the Stairwell on the way to the show.

On the Train on the way to the show.

I'm moving to Bed Stuy April 1st and it's time for me to start packing up the ammunition.  Will gladly take volunteers to help me out.
This beautiful 70 degree and sunny day just before the Spring Equinox and the full super moon is a very Moka Only Pacific NW throwback kind of day for me.  Peep the lyrics:  "You'll never know what would it be like until you leave the darkness see light - Awakening to all the big things, or all the little things that make you feel like there's effects to every action - these cassettes relay the passion.  You cross your fingers and you take a breath - and blow it out and see what happens...."

I was rockin this on my headphones over and over again last night.

One of the dope female DJ's dropped this at the opening last night and I had Nadia laughing at me for singing along to every word.  I remember being like 9 years old and crying because I had played this tape so many times that it wore out and snapped in my tape player.  I still know all the lyrics to most of this record.

Another favorite throwback that I play on repeat all spring long.

At 7:30 am I danced around in the kitchen to this and made blueberry apple pancakes for my 12 year old friend before she left for school.  The pancakes burned, but I was tearing it up.



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  1. Beautiful Tanya! Definitely feelin' the love and spirit in this post! To good vibes and good times this spring! *big hug and high five*

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